Cotswold Rehabilitation Services Ltd is headed up by Gary Mason CIMA DipRSA. Gary has had an extensive career in the management of companies. His career started in the Royal Navy and after leaving, has been the Finance and Administration Manager of several large, well-known blue chip companies. He was involved in a serious road traffic collision in 2003 which has resulted in him suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Although this chronic pain condition has restricted his mobility, he decided his best route to recovery was to help others with the condition and he has taken part in research at the Royal National Hospital for Rhuematic Diseases in Bath and is a regular supporter and advisor to fellow sufferers on CRPS forums.
He has been the Operations Manager for 2 successful Rehabilitation Case Management companies and has brought these qualities and experience to Cotswold Rehab. His experience of the treatment and management of CRPS has brought him many plaudits from sufferers and insurers including one major insurer who recommended our treatment programme as being "streets ahead of the competition"
Gary is determined to provide the best possible treatment for injured clients which is cost-effective and closely managed.